Account Details

You can go right ahead and set up regular giving online or make one off gifts directly to our account.

Our details are

Bank - Lloyds

Sort Code - 30-90-89

Account Number - 44646360

Reference - Please reference any direct payments with - ‘DVC - (Your Surname)’

This is our preferred option for giving as there are no bank fees involved in this.

Online Giving

Give securely online to Darlington Vineyard here. It is possible to arrange regular payments as well as one-off donations and also provide Gift Aid information if you are a UK taxpayer.

Fees are payable on online transactions. If you bank online please consider giving by Standing Order to maximise your giving.

Cash and Cheques

Please make cheques payable to Darlington Vineyard Church.

Gift Aid

Please complete a Gift Aid declaration if you are a UK taxpayer. You can complete our online form by clicking here


We serve a radically generous God. He calls us to be radically generous too. At the heart of Darlington Vineyard, we live to be a generous people as we live out our faith.

Giving is an act of worship, it should never be under duress or out of guilt.

Giving is an act of sacrifice in which we benefit hugely as we lean on the God who created us and sustains us.

Sometimes people ask, “How much should I give?”. Our answer is always to ask the Father what He would have you give and give generously, sacrificially and with love.

In the Old Testament a tithe was given, which was 10% of a person’s income and it was law. By grace we’re now free of the law and we consider 10% of our income a good starting point. Beyond 10% we move into generosity.

We understand that giving can sometimes be a difficult thing to think about, especially when we believe our finances are already spoken for. Sometimes in our culture, we can be fearful of not having enough but as followers of Jesus we put our trust in God and lean on Him for His provision. We believe that everything comes from God and as we give back to Him in this form of worship, we honour all that He has given to us. We begin to remove our reliance on money and shift our faith back to God.

If you have any questions about our finances or giving, please feel free to talk to Lisa or Phil.